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Library R&R

Library Rules and Regulations


The library functions for nearly 8 a.m. to 8.p.m. during the academic session. Library hours are subject to change from time to time and all changes in timings are duly notified on the library notice board. The library is open round the year except on National and closed holidays.


  • Reading room facility – 8 am to 8 pm
  • Circulation of books - 10 am to 6 pm


  • Those students who are enrolled in different regular courses of the University at different campuses in India including headquarter situated at New Delhi.
  • Those who are Faculty member (Regular/ Contract/Guest) and Non-Faculty (Regular/ Contract/ Outsource) staff of the University of Delhi.


  • 1. Reader should enter in the library with library user’s ID card.
  • 2. Reader should made proper entry in the visitor’s record while visiting the library.
  • 3. Readers should observe strict silence inside the Library.
  • 4. Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library premises.
  • 5. Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the Library premises.
  • 6. Library membership card is non-transferable.
  • 7. Readers are not allowed to bring their personal books or any printed material (spiral/bound book/photocopied material) inside the Library except inside the reading room.
  • 8. Personal belongings like bags, umbrellas, helmet, etc. should be deposited at the Property Counter. These are not allowed inside the Library.
  • 9. Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like laptop, mobile phones, money, passport, credit card etc. at the Property Counter.
  • 10. Marking, scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
  • 11. Readers should not carry books from one area to another/ one floor to another and should leave the books on the reading table after consulting.
  • 12. Readers should not talk or discuss as they may disturb other readers.
  • Reading halls/ room/area are meant for individual study and research only.
  • 13. Users should not rest or keep their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, etc.
  • 14. The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users.
  • 15. Library staff shall not transmit other’s personal belongings or messages to the readers.
  • 16. The Librarian/ Deputy Librarian/ Assistant Librarian/ Library-In-charge reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or with any other member.


User Category Sub-Category No. of Permissible books (Text/General books) for loan No. of Permissible bounded journals for loan Loan Period
Student +2 Level 3 Nil 15 Days
Student UG 4 Nil 15 Days
Student PG 6 1 15 Days
Student Research Scholar 10 2 30 Days
Faculty Regular/Contract/Guest 10 5 One Semester
Non-Faculty Regular/Contract/Guest 3 Nil 15 Days